Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Nasty Flu Bug

You know about lady bugs, beetles and bees,
There are other bugs, very much smaller than these,
Called bacteria, viruses, microbes and germs,
As microscope viewing so clearly confirms.

They do not have wings.
They do not have legs.
They do not have stingers.
They do not lay eggs.
You can not see them, but still they are there,
Much tinier yet than the dust in the air.

How small, can be difficult to understand,
If sand was piled up high in your hand,
Then that many germs, too tiny to spy,
Could dance on the dot on the small letter i.

The bugs come from bathrooms and sick rooms and such.
They are passed on by hand to the things that you touch,
Like door handles, desk tops and key boards and phones.
The bugs make you sick, right down to your bones.

They cause fever and tummy aches, earaches and flu,
Sniffles and coughing and sore tonsils, too.
Doctors have syrups and pills full of drugs,
For some of the nastier sick-causing bugs.

But not all of the bugs can be stopped by a pill,
Viruses say: "I will spread where I will!
I will keep on infecting whomever I please.
No one can stop me with measures like these!"

And too many drugs soon can lose their effect.
On diseases against which they ought to protect.
The bacteria bugs that survive say with glee:
"Now I am immune…you can not stop me!"

Do bugs need drugs? You need to know,
More often than not, the answer is no!
Washing your hands with plain soap and water,
Are best to protect every young son or daughter.

A boy left the bathroom, not using the sink,
And stopped at the fountain for water to drink.
Some of the germs on his hands stayed behind,
On the tap for other young drinkers to find.

He left some more bugs on a phone in the hall,
And more on a video game in the mall.
And everywhere people touched things that he had,
They got fevers and aches and were feeling quite bad.

A girl went to visit a friend with the flu,
Then went on to visit one more friend or two,
Without washing her hands, and her friends all got ill.
And they took to their beds with a sniffle and chill.

But another young child touched a bathroom stall door,
And picked up the bugs, like many before.
The child lathered and rinsed for the length of a song,
And no one got sick 'cause the bugs were all gone.

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